John Dobken, Public Affairs, 509-377-8369
Anna Markham, Public Affairs, 509-377-8162
RICHLAND, Wash. – Public utility leaders from across Washington today re-elected Commissioner Bill Gordon of Franklin County Public Utility District to serve as secretary on Energy Northwest’s Board of Directors for a two-year term. The public power agency’s 27-member board of directors represents the 22 public utility districts and five municipal utilities that make up Energy Northwest. The board of directors has sole authority to authorize and terminate projects.
Franklin County PUD commissioners appointed Gordon to the Energy Northwest Board of Directors in 2004, and the EN board elected him assistant secretary in 2007, a position he held through January 2011. He first began serving as the agency’s board secretary in 2011. He also served on the Energy Northwest Executive Board from 2006 to 2010.
He has served as a Franklin County PUD commissioner since 2003 and brings a rich business background to his position.
“I’m proud to be a part of this successful organization that benefits public power throughout the state,” said Bill Gordon. “I look forward the achievements ahead and to continue being a part of leading the board of directors.”
“I want to thank Bill for his continued leadership and offer my congratulations to the new and re-elected officers representing the board of directors and the members of Energy Northwest,” said Mark Reddemann, Energy Northwest CEO.
Gordon’s role and term are effective immediately.
About Energy Northwest Energy Northwest develops, owns and operates a diverse mix of electricity generating resources, including hydro, solar and wind projects – and the Northwest’s only nuclear power plant. These projects provide enough reliable, affordable and environmentally respon¬sible energy to power more than a million homes each year, and that carbon-free electricity is provided at the cost of generation. As a Washington state joint operating agency, Energy Northwest comprises 27 public power member utilities from across the state serving more than 1.5 million ratepayers. The agency continually explores new generation projects to meet its members’ needs. Energy Northwest –