

Who To Contact
Solicitation Description
712383SMW 712383 - APEL - Patch & Paint2/4/2025 1:00 PM
This is a Small Works Solicitation; You must be in the applicable category on the MRSC roster at the time of solicitation to participate in this bid. 

Energy Northwest, a joint operating agency and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, invites Bids for the Applied Processes Engineer Laboratory (APEL) Patch and Paint Project.
712405Accounting and Finance Business Advisory Services2/20/2025 1:00 PM
Energy Northwest, a Joint Operating Agency and Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, is soliciting competitive proposals from experienced, qualified Bidders to provide Accounting and Finance Business Advisory Services to Energy Northwest.
712545IDC Landfill Closure2/25/2025 2:00 PM
Paul Schut
Phone: (509) 372-5384

Energy Northwest, a joint operating agency and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, invites Bids for the Landfill Closure Project at IDC, as described herein, from qualified Bidders. Bidder will be selected in accordance with Chapter 43.52.560 RCW.  This IFB is subject to Prevailing Wage requirements pursuant to Chapter 39.12 RCW.   


Bids shall be submitted in strict compliance of the specifications and governing terms & conditions. Any exceptions may result in your Bid being declared non-responsive.

712769Inventory Reduction2/6/2025 1:00 PM
Christopher La Plante

Energy Northwest is soliciting competitive proposals from experienced, qualified Bidders to offer a strategic solution for inventory reduction efforts for Energy Northwest, specifically at Columbia Generating Station (Columbia).

712848SMW 712848 - Connell & Dayton - EVCS Project2/11/2025 1:00 PM
Paul Schut
Phone: 509-372-5384
This is a Small Works Solicitation. To participate in this bid, you must be in the applicable category on the MRSC roster at the time of solicitation. 

Energy Northwest, a joint operating agency and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, invites Bids for the Connell & Dayton Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Project as described herein, from qualified Bidders on the Small Works Roster (SMW) Roster.  This SMW Bid Document is considered Public Works and subject to prevailing wage requirements pursuant to chapter § 39.12 Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
