Member Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Energy Northwest functions as a municipal corporation to provide at-cost electricity to Northwest utilities.​​​

The agency’s members actively participate in the agency’s decision-making process, including the approval of new energy-related projects and the termination of existing projects.

Member representatives make up the 29-member board of directors and fill five seats on the 11-member executive board. The board of directors also appoints three outside members to serve on the executive board.​ 

 Our Public Power Members

Our Public Power Members - Chartered in 1957 as a joint operating agency of the state, Energy Northwest is a consortium of utilities from across Washington state.
Energy Northwest Member Utility Map  
How to become a member
The applicant utility’s board of commissioners adopts a resolution seeking to be admitted as a member of Energy Northwest. The utility sends copies of the signed resolution along with an email to the president of the Energy Northwest Board of Directors. The Energy Northwest Board of Directors will consider the application at its next quarterly meeting, which are held in January, April, July and October. Submit letters to​  

Who can join?
​Public utility districts and municipalities providing electric service within the state of Washington.

Membership benefits
  • Membership in Energy Northwest is free. Members do not pay a registration fee or dues.
  • Opportunities to shape the future of Energy Northwest and regional power supply solutions. 
  • Options to participate in new genera​ting projects before non-member utilities.
  • ​Consultation with​ highly experienced Energy Northwest professionals on utility, energy and engineering issues.
  • Contractual assistance, and operations and maintenance, for longer-term support on issues facing member utilities. 
  • Involvement in new energy technology demonstration projects at little to no cost or risk for the utility. 
  • Special industry training and event participation opportunities.
  • Free membership in the Nuclear Energy Institute. 
  • Networking with other member utilities and industry contacts.
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