Organizational chart
Energy Northwest Management Chart - PDF Format
New employee orientation
Within your first few months, you will be scheduled to attend our New Employee Orientation. This is a time where you will have the opportunity to meet our Senior Management Team who will provide an overview of Energy Northwest. You will spend the day learning more about our Excellence Model and various other topics. We hope you will look forward to this!
Payroll information
Energy Northwest employees are paid bi-weekly (every other Friday) via direct deposit. Please refer to our EN calendar for actual payday dates.
Work schedules
For your first few days of employment, please follow the schedule provided to you by Human Resources. After you have completed your badging requirements, you will report to your supervisor. Your regular work schedule will then be determined.
We have a variety of different work schedules depending on your position. Your supervisor or manager will instruct you on which work schedule you will follow and any relevant expectations.
Dress code
The dress code for Energy Northwest is business casual. Our expectations are intended to create a professional environment appropriate for the type of work performed.
Employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense when selecting attire appropriate for the business need. Please keep in mind that employees should err on the side of caution; if an item is questionable, then another item of attire should be selected. These guidelines apply to all full-time, part-time, temporary and contractor employees while in or on Energy Northwest premises.
Employees are also required to wear footwear appropriate for the weather and work environment. We have gravel walking areas that require close-toed footwear for safety reasons.
Lunch Options
We have vending machines on site in various locations for snacks and drinks. However, we do not have a cafeteria where you can purchase food so please pack a lunch. We have refrigerators and microwaves available for all employees to use.
Adverse weather information
In the event that adverse weather conditions exist, please exercise good judgment on getting to work safely. Announcements of delayed reporting for all Energy Northwest locations in the Tri-Cities will be made on Cherry Creek Radio stations: KONA 610 AM and 105.3 FM, and surrounding community radio stations.
Please note that announcements will specifically state instructions for Energy Northwest employees. Please do not follow instructions for Hanford personnel.
In case of an emergency
In the rare event of an emergency when you are onsite, it is important for all new employees to know that our emergency phone number to call is ext. 2222. We have trained first responders that will respond immediately. Please do not call 911 if you are in any buildings on or near Columbia Generating Station. However, our downtown Richland offices do require calling 911.
Use of electronic communications
Email and Internet access
All Energy Northwest employees are responsible for complying with the Use of Electronic Communication, Intranet and Internet Access Policies and Procedures and the Corporate Cyber Security Policy Standards. Your supervisor will provide you with these policies within the first two weeks of hire. Please read them carefully so you have a good understanding of expectations regarding the use of electronic communications during work hours and when working remotely.
Cell phones
Cell phones are allowed in most buildings outside the Protected Area but are prohibited inside certain areas of the nuclear power plant. Also, please be aware that some carriers have limited cell phone coverage onsite and we suggest you check available coverage with your provider. If you have questions regarding cell phone use, please ask your supervisor.