Nine Canyon Wind Project

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Nine Canyon Wind Project is located in southeast Kennewick, Washington. The project was constructed in three phases between 2002 and 2007, and includes 63 wind turbines with a maximum generating potential of 95.9 megawatts of electricity.

Each turbine consists of a tubular steel tower and three turbine blades attached to a rotor. A nacelle atop the tower houses a generator, gearbox and braking mechanisms. Each turbine is self-starting and begins generating electricity when wind speed reaches eight miles per hour. Generation increases as the wind speed increases, with full power achieved at about 35 miles per hour.

The turbine rotors turn at a constant speed adjusting for changing wind speeds by automatically adjusting the pitch or angle of the turbine blades. If sustained winds exceed 55 miles per hour, the blades automatically pitch against the wind to shut down the turbine to avoid damage.>

The 63 turbines are placed in four rows along the windiest ridges of the site. The project land lease area covers 5,120 acres, yet only 75 are actually taken up by turbines, access roads and maintenance buildings. The lease guarantees the landowners an annual income for the life of the project.

​​Benton PUD built an electrical substation at the site, along with the transmission lines that tie the project into the existing Bonneville Power Administration transmission system.



  • 37 turbines added​​
  • Construction Started: February 2002
  • First Electricity Produced: June 2002
  • Commercial Operation: September 2002


  • 12 turbines added
  • Construction Started: May 2003
  • First Electricity Produced: September 2003
  • Commercial Operation: December 2003


  • 14 turbines added
  • Construction Started: September 2007
  • First Electricity Produced: December 2007
  • Commercial Operation: Spring 2008

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Wind power