Energy Northwest maintains a pollution prevention program to reduce the use of hazardous materials and the generation of wastes. Our pollution prevention program addresses energy efficiency and conservation, water efficiency and conservation, waste minimization, spill prevention and chemical management.
Columbia hazardous waste generation
Energy Northwest continues to set aggressive targets to reduce all types of waste including hazardous and mixed waste. The agency prioritizes minimizing waste through job planning and substitution of products with more environmentally friendly chemicals.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Energy Northwest continues to divert waste from landfill disposal by its on-going focus on recycling and waste minimization for many years. Recycling of plastic, paper, and cardboard, batteries, oils, and light bulbs has been infused into the culture across the agency.
Energy use
Energy Northwest continues to set aggressive targets to reduce the amount of energy consumed at agency facilities and has been upgrading facilities to increase energy efficiency through lighting upgrades, installing occupancy sensors, and replacing aging equipment.