Energy Northwest is a Washington state joint operating agency and restricted by the Washington Constitution, Article VIII, Section 7, from gifting public funds in the aid of any individual, association, company or corporation UNLESS it is to support “the poor or infirm.”
Eligible activities*: EN will consider a wide range of community, environmental and educational sponsorships for national and regional organizations, local events and activities. Opportunities are subject to the following guidelines:
Alignment with EN goals, mission, vision and strategic plan
Value received must be greater than the cost of sponsorship
EN budget availability
Accordance with applicable law
Plus at least one of the following:
Promotes or enhances the relationship between EN and the organization (related to energy, education, STEM or recruitment; or part of an approved employee development opportunity)
Organization or event reaches public power and/or targeted audiences
Potential for long-term, sustainable partnership or relationship with key stakeholders and other regional organizations
Opportunity for media coverage and/or additional education outreach
Ineligible activities:
Charities (limited to in-kind support)
Requests that benefit an individual person or family
Religious activities, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furthering religious doctrine
Door prizes, raffles or gifts
School-affiliated sports, orchestras, bands, choirs, drama groups, class parties or similar activities
Youth sports organizations
Political candidates, organizations or lobbying efforts of any kind
Memorials or endowments
Submission requirements:
To be considered, requests must adhere to the following.
Request for sponsorship or event-related in-kind trade must be submitted in writing (proposal or letter of request) a minimum of 60 days in advance of the event or program start date.
Submission may be electronic (e-mail) or postal mail and must include:
Complete contact information of requesting organization, including website
Name of event or sponsorship scope
Address how request satisfies EN eligibility criteria
Number of participants &/or spectators
Media associated with the event
Details on additional exposure, promotional and/or sponsorship benefits
Send to:
(e-mail) Email: OR (postal mail)
Energy Northwest
Public Affairs
MD: 1480
P.O. Box 968
Richland, Wash. 99354
NO phone requests will be accepted
*Each eligible opportunity will be fully vetted through an opportunity assessment conducted by Public Affairs and reviewed by Legal Services. EN is not obligated to approve submissions, despite eligibility.
Kelly Rae Public Affairs 509-372-5376